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I am Ihsan Saber, an English Language Teaching (ELT) professional with an M.A. degree from the University of Sussex, in the U.K. I am currently an English lecturer within the College of Basic Education, Salahaddin University-Erbil.

Bang/Beat the Drum

Frequent English phrases, meanings and an example with their Kurdish meaning. Leave a comment by using the phrase in a well-formed sentence!

bang/beat the drum [UK]: to publicly show your support for something or someone.
پاڵپشتی خۆت به‌ شتێك یان كه‌سێك پیشان بده‌ی به‌ ئاشكرا.

The president said he will beat the drum to build public support for his education program.
سه‌رۆك ووتی كه‌ پاڵپشتی خۆی پیشان ده‌دا به‌ ئاشكرا بۆ دروست كردنی پاڵپشتی گشتی بۆ پرۆگرامی په‌روه‌رده‌.

1 comment

Anonymous said...

The teacher will beat them the drum when they illuminate a good
personal ity that are likable.

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