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I am Ihsan Saber, an English Language Teaching (ELT) professional with an M.A. degree from the University of Sussex, in the U.K. I am currently an English lecturer within the College of Basic Education, Salahaddin University-Erbil.

Out of the Picture

Frequent English phrases, meanings and an example with their Kurdish meaning. Leave a comment by using the phrase in a well-formed sentence!

out of the picture: no longer involved in something

چیتر به‌شداری ناكات له‌ شتێك، چیدیكه‌ به‌شداری ناكات له‌ شتێك

Meyerson is back in the picture after disappearing in July.
مه‌یرسه‌ن گه‌ڕایه‌وه‌ سه‌ر كاره‌كه‌ی خۆی پاش وون بوونی له‌ مانگی ته‌مموز . 

I could have asked Shane to help, but he was out of the picture by then.
پێشتر ده‌متوانی داوا له‌ شه‌ین بكه‌م بۆ یارمه‌تیدان، به‌ڵام پاشتر چیتر داوام لێنه‌كرد.

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