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I am Ihsan Saber, an English Language Teaching (ELT) professional with an M.A. degree from the University of Sussex, in the U.K. I am currently an English lecturer within the College of Basic Education, Salahaddin University-Erbil.

Meanings and Uses of Saying "Thank you"

The following are the meanings and uses of saying "thank you". This is can help you for enlarging you range of vocabulary for acquiring fluency.

thank you (more formal) 
سوپاس (زیاتر ڕه‌سمییه‌)

Thanks (more informal)
سوپاس (زیاتر ناڕه‌سمییه‌)

1. used to tell someone that you are grateful because they have given you something or done something for you:
واته‌: سوپاسی یه‌كێك بكه‌یت له‌به‌رئه‌وه‌ی شتێكی پێبه‌خشیووی یان كارێكی بۆ كردووی.

"Here's your coffee." "Thank you very much (indeed)."
فه‌رموو ئه‌وه‌ قاوه‌كه‌ت. زۆر سوپاست ده‌كه‌م.

2. said when you are answering a polite question or remark:
كاتێك ده‌گوترێ كه‌ وه‌ڵامی پرسیارێك یان تێبینییه‌ك ده‌ده‌یته‌وه‌ به‌شێوه‌یكی ئه‌ده‌بانه‌.

"How are you?" "I'm fine, thank you."
چۆنی؟ باشم، سوپاس.

3. said to politely accept or refuse something that has been offered to you:
كاتێك ده‌گووترێ كه‌ شتێك وه‌ربگری یان ڕه‌فزی بكه‌یته‌وه‌ كه‌ پێشكه‌شت كراوه‌.

"Do you need any help?" "No, thank you."
پێویستیت به‌ هیچ یارمه‌تییه‌ك هه‌یه‌؟ نه‌خێر، سوپاس.

4. said to show your disapproval of something:
كاتێك ده‌گوترێ بۆ پیشاندانی په‌سه‌ندنه‌كردنی شتێك.

I don't want to hear that kind of language, thank you (very much).
نامه‌وێ گوێم له‌مجۆره‌ زمانه‌ بێت، زۆر سوپاست ده‌كه‌م.

5. something that you say or do in order to show that you are grateful for something:
سوپاس كردن (به‌كارھێنانی وه‌كو ناو)

I'd like to say a big thank you to everyone for all their help.
ده‌مه‌وێ سوپاسێكی زۆری هه‌موو ئه‌وانه‌ بكه‌م بۆ یارمه‌تییه‌كانییان.

6. Thank God; Thank goodness; Thank heaven(s)
سوپاس بۆ خودا.

said to express happiness that something bad has been avoided or has finished:
بۆ ده‌ربڕینی خۆشحاڵی كاتێك شتێكی ناخۆشت لێ دوورده‌كه‌وێته‌وه‌ و ڕوونادات یان كۆتایی دێت.

Thank God you found the key.
سوپاس بۆ خودا، كلیله‌كه‌تان دۆزیه‌وه‌.

7. thanks to sb/sth: because of someone or something:

It's thanks to Sandy that I heard about the job.
به‌هۆی ساندی گوێبیستی كاره‌كه‌ بووم.

8. thanks a million (informal): thank you very much:
زۆر سوپاس.

"I've done what you asked." "Thanks a million!"
ئه‌وه‌ی داوات كرد كردم. زۆر سوپاس.

9. thanks a bunch; thanks for nothing; thanks a lotthank you very much. This phrase is often used when you are angry or as a joke when you really are not grateful.
زۆر سوپاس. زۆرجار به‌كاردێت كه‌ توڕه‌ ده‌بیت یان وه‌كو گاڵته‌یه‌ك كاتێك مه‌به‌ستت ئه‌وه‌ نییه‌ سوپاسی بكه‌یت.

You told Tony what I said? Thanks a bunch.
تۆ به‌ تۆنیت گووت كه‌ چیم گوتووه‌؟ زۆر سوپاس.

10. thank your lucky stars
زۆر سوپاسی خودا ده‌كه‌م

I thank my lucky stars every day for my honest friends.
هه‌موو ڕۆژێك زۆر سوپاسی خودا ده‌كه‌م بۆ ئه‌م هاوڕییه‌ دڵسۆزانه‌م.

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