Kurdish - English Proverbs 81 - 90
The following are the equivalence of English proverb of Kurdish proverbs.
81. له سێبهری خۆی ئهسڵهمێتهوه.
81. he is afraid even of his shadow.
82. دهستی ماندوو لهسهر زگی تێره.
82. idleness is the mother of all evil.
83. ئهگهر گوڵ نیت دڕكیش مهبه.
83. if you cannot say something good, do not say anything bad.
84. ڕێوی دهمی نهئهگهیشته ترێ ئهی ووت ترشه.
84. it is easy to despise what you cannot get.
85. له دووی چوان مهچوو.
85. it's no good crying over spilt milk.
86. پێكهنینی زۆر گریانی لهدوایه.
86. joy surfeited turns to sorrow.
87. دوور بڕۆ، سهلامهت وهرهوه.
87. keep the common road and are safe.
88. مهچووه بن بارێك پێت ههڵنهستێ.
88. kindle not a fire that you cannot extinguish.
89. ههر كهس به یاری خۆی ههڵ دهڵێ.
89. let every man praise the bridge he goes over.
90. براییمان برایی، كیسهمان جیایی.
90. let us be friends, but let our purses be kept a part.
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