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I am Ihsan Saber, an English Language Teaching (ELT) professional with an M.A. degree from the University of Sussex, in the U.K. I am currently an English lecturer within the College of Basic Education, Salahaddin University-Erbil.

Bust a Gut

Frequent English phrases, meanings and an example with their Kurdish meaning. Leave a comment by using the phrase in a well-formed sentence!

bust a gut [informal] to work very hard or make a big effort to achieve something:
زۆر به‌ جدی كارده‌كات بۆئه‌وه‌ی شتێك به‌دهست بهێنێ، زۆر هه‌وڵبدات بۆئه‌وه‌ی بگاته‌ ئه‌نجامێك 

I really busted a gut to get that report finished on time.
له‌ ڕاستیدا زۆر هه‌وڵمدا بۆئه‌وه‌ی ڕاپۆرته‌كه‌ له‌ كاتی خۆی ته‌واو بكه‌م.

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